Dove is not a product but a Brand

Dove is a personal care brand. In 1955 Dove was introduced by Unilever Global Company, of United Kingdom. It’s products are manufactured in different parts of the World like Australia, China, India, Japan, Canada, Poland, United States, etc. Dove products are sold in more than 80 countries and are offered for women, men and baby cares. Vincent Lamberti was granted the original parents related to the manufacturing of Dove in 1950.
In 1957, Dove Beauty Bar was introduced in US. It promised women that it wouldn’t dry their skin the way soap does. Women tried it and felt the difference. Thus began a very trusting and lasting relationship between the brand and it’s users. This product became the leading brand for take caring of women skin.
There are many factors that affect a product to grow. The demographic, economic, technology, cultural and of course natural factors. All these factors help a product to become a brand. And Dove has became a brand.
The products that Dove produces are antiperspirant or deodorant, body wash, beauty bars, lotions or moisturizer, hair care and facial care products. In recent days Dove has launched products for baby care, a set of baby soaps, hair care, body lotion.
In 2004, Dove began its campaign for Real beauty, followed by the creation of the Dove Self – Esteem Fund in 2006.
Dove believes beauty should be a source of confidence and not anxiety. Only 4% of women around the World consider themselves beautiful. 6 out of 10 girls are so concerned with the way they look, that they actually opt out of participating fully in daily life activities.
Dove has a very popular marketing agenda. Dove does not promotes it’s products by any well-known person but by common women or girls. Dove products promotion is all about the product and it’s usefulness. And Dove does not go down in bringing customers for their products.
From a beauty bar, Dove has become a brand for moisturizer, hair care, deodorant. And it’s products has never let it’s customers get down. Dove products are easily available and affordable by anyone.
To know more about Dove products, there is a suggestion, “to know a product use the product first”.

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