Sports Management

Sport management is the field of business dealing with sports and recreation. Some examples of sport managers include the front office system in professional sports, college sports managers, recreational sport managers, sports marketing, event management, facility management, sports economics, sport finance, and sports information.

Sports management is all about understanding how to apply business and marketing techniques to the sports world. The business side of the sports industry allows workers to combine a love of sports with management skills, which can lead to a range of exciting and rewarding careers.

A sports manager is responsible for overseeing the scheduling and organization of their clients. Sports managers are hired by organizations and individual athletes. Unlike a sports agent, a sports manager does not focus on negotiating contracts for their clients.

A list of the top five job careers when you have a sports management :

  • A sports Statistician analyzes data that pertains to sporting events. They look for the best outcomes and trends in sports. Statisticians are sometimes called scorers, and they keep track of information related to a specific sport.
  • Sports Psychology is an interdisciplinary practice that explores the link between psychological and physical factors affecting performance in competitive sports and athletic activity. A sports psychologist is an asset to any athletic team or league. Their job consists typically of counseling and rehabilitating athletes psychologically after an injury or other breaks in confidence, before heading back to the field.
  • A sports agent negotiates contracts for athletes while working out contract details with sports teams and their endorsers. Having strong verbal and written communication skills is key. Sales management experience is also recommended.
  • PR managers coordinate public relations events, developing media influence, and creating strategies for avoiding unwanted publicity.
  • In the sports industry, event coordinators are needed to find the appropriate location, scheduling, and budgeting for sports events. Event coordinators may also oversee risk-management issues like crowd control and security and transporting guests or clients to and from the event.

Emotions are big things

Human’s are full of emotions and these emotions sometimes affect individuals. Being a 21-year-old girl, even I have some emotions which effect me a lot as a person and I can list them in series.

Fear is all about how you as a person treat the situation. I have a fear of losing everything. The lost my dear ones because I have seen my deaths in my childhood so I fear of losing my parents.

I have a fear of not fulfiling my parent’s dream because constantly I get to hear that they have invested a lot of money and energy in me. So I need to get a good job so that I can show them that their daughter is much better than others.

And the major fear that I have is to get close to anyone for that reason I hardly communicate with people. Because I have a fear that they might leave me.

For me love stands are my parents. They are the only person who I can love without ant expectation. Then comes my pets, they are the constants in my life. And the 3rd one is plants. I love plants so I prefer getting plants as a gift from others.

There are so many things to like in this huge world.
I like adventure sports like climbing.  Actually, that fascinates me a lot. Photography is something I like to do. When I was small, I liked to collect small car model toys which I still do.

Hate is a very harsh word. And I have never hated or shown any hatred on someone or something.

Agreeing on any argument where I never wanted to be a part.So I quickly argree to that person.

For me disagree was I went against my parents and took up Audiovisual media as my subject. My parents always wanted me to be a teacher.

I have a strong believe in souls. I believe that we all are souls just wearing an uniform. And when our job is done we will simply open is uniform and leave to get another.


Ethics as a Business motto

What is ethics? What does business ethics mean? Why ethics important in business?

Ethics are the set of rules and values that governs a business. Ethics in a company is actually the culture, values that the company has in it. For a business, ethics is like a pillar which stands straight without breaking. When a company takes a decision major or minor always covers the ethics that the company has. Reasons why ethics in business is required.

  •  Having strong ethics in a company keeps the employees and encourage them to work.
  • And this sometimes attracts more employees to join the company.
  • For having strong ethics in a company, can help them to get good investors to invest in the company.
  • And for these, they will always have a good amount of customers for seeking their service.

To build a proper business-ethics is very important. In that case ethics work as a foundation. Actually, business ethics leads to a more productive workplace. If the ethics are good enough then it will help to create a long-lasting positive atmosphere for the employees. Actually running a business following all ethics is really a tough job for any company. Like the company has to keep in mind some important ethics:

  • Employee ethics: The ethical manager of a company has to take care of ethics. And this increase productivity and morale of the employees. Like an employee needs to complete his work with honesty and integrity then it will always benefit the company’s goodwill.
  • Ethics with Industry: Sometimes ethics differ from one industry to other. The business’s work really has a major influence on the ethics and sometimes company’s fail to be ethical keeping the wants of the industry. For example-Taking Amazon which is one of the largest shopping website. Their entire business is based online. So when it comes to the customer’s privacy they completely protect, because disclosing customer’s details is against their ethics. So the very closely examine their ethics.

Actually, ethics in business is very much required to reach to the employee’s loyalty and morale support to develop the management of the company as a team. The ethical process of a company will always bring profit in both long and short term. The entire reputation of the business actually depends on the ethics of the company.

The teammates are an important factor

A team is a foundation of high performing work. A team’s ethics can help the team move towards a successful work and the work can be done smoothly. And if the team members don’t have an understanding among each other then the team won’t succeed or reach it destination work. To develop a team, it is necessary to understand the strength, weakness of the team members and help them to work those. Basically, a team is a group of individuals who come close to work together in a cooperative way.

Similarly, in my team, my teammate and I have some weakness and strength to work together. If we talk about going out for a shoot then we basically divide our works like- she prefers to do reporting and go for shooting the story. This is because camera work is my strength whereas reporting or coming on camera is her strength. And my weakness is coming on camera and talking.

If we talk about team compatibility then we are compatible enough to complete work properly. This is because both of us interest is the same. We are very keen about shooting and making short films. Regarding this, I can say that at our college we had to make a short film in which she directed the short film and I handled the cinematography. Since we have an understanding among us, so it got easy for us to work together and complete the film.

But we both have weakness and that is quite the same. We both procrastinate, we delay our work till the final hour and this is the major drawback we both have. Besides all of these, we both carry a good bond as a teammate and as a friend also.





Leader: Born or Made

A leader is a person who knows the act of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal. A leader will always have the ability to inspire people. For being an effective leader, he has to be a good communicator so that he can encourage people enough to act.

In India there are some great leaders who are known worldwide for their works and they will be stailled admired by whole world for their contributions towards humanity. But today I will only talk about a particular leader who have inspired the youths by his ideology. He served as a freedom fighter for India against British Raj — Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.


Subhas Chandra Bose was an Indian nationalist, whose patriotism made him a hero. He left a life full of wealth an comfort. And he dedicated his life for the nation to secure freedom from the British Raj. It was Netaji who brought the idea of fighting till the last breath. His war-cry ,

              “You give me blood, I’ll give you Freedom”

And this slogan is still popular booster for the troops today.

Netaji understood the depth of revolution much better than Gandhi. While other patriots wished to achieve dominion status within the British Raj, Netaji settled for nothing less than “Swaraj” or “Complete independence”. Netaji’s way for getting freedom was way different than other patriots, and that made Netaji to leave the Congress after serving as its interim Predident and he began his own force to fight against British.


Netaji had to face legal actions even he was attrested. No matter what, he fought for his nation . Actually a true leader will dedicate his last breath to an idea he strongly believes and Netaji believed that swaraj is only brought by sacrificing his life for the nation.

“One individual may die for an idea, but that idea will, after his death, incarnate itself in a thousand lives”

Netaji was always been a good orator. While recruiting men for his force he always told his men that to get freedom they have to give themselves for the nation if they are willing to. It is always the responsibility of a leader to make sure that his team does not hold back anything . His struggle, ideas inspired million of Indian youths. he was behind the formation of “Azad Hind Fauj”.



While there are people who seem to be naturally endowed with more leadership abilities than others. But Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose was a leader who was born to become a world leader for the youths. We all love the idea of tragic hero who is misunderstood in undying efforts to help people and change their fate and was the one who secreatly saves the world but never recognised. Similarly Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose is India’s greatest tragic hero.




A leader is a team player


“Leaders are coaches with a passion for developing people, not players.”


Leaders inspires people through a shared vision and create an environment where his team feel valued and fulfilled. a good leader always want his team to succeed, so he will take his time to understand each and every team members so that he can help them to achieve the goals. A good leader always motivate his team to develop qualities and train them to do better.


Being a leader is always a difficult task, because a leader must have an in-depth understanding of each individuals of his team. Leadership is the ability to see a problem and find out the solution. To see the leadership qualities very closely the best reference is ‘ Remember the Titans’.


Remember the Titans is an American biographical sports film showing the idea of strong leadership styles. In the film, both the coaches try to motivate the players but in their own ways. The entire film shows how coaches and their players showed their leadership qualities and strengths as a leader. Both the coaches had their own leadership styles to develop the qualities of the players.

Herman Boone was a black football coach for Titans. He had a dictative leadership style, because he believed that through cooperation of the entire players in the team will lead the team win. Boone had a clear idea to make the team work hard with full determination and courage so that the team can succeed at the end. Coach Boone knew very well that the players had love for the football and he can only make the team work keeping racism away by using their love for football as a motivator to make them cooperate and stop their racist fight.


While the second leader, Coach Bill Yoast used democratic leadership style to train the team. Coach Yoast personally tried to solve the problems rather than in front of other team members by meeting them personally. Yoast’s approach to any difficult situation in the game field was easy and he handled with calmness. He always tried to keep his players calm and cool so that he can keep control over them and can help any players individually if needed. He was not much strict and straight forward like Coach Boone.

If we go in a detail discussion about Remember the Titans’ leadership theory, then we will find that both the leaders have their own leadership theory. Coach Boone follows ‘the great man theory’ in the film. He motivates the players to learn from their mistakes. He was directive and his helpful behaviour was a key to success. While Coach Yoast followed ‘trait theory’, because his point was being strict and more disciplined for the team won’t make them win the game.


Through this film, Remember the Titans, shows clearly that a leader is a person who have the ability to inspires, motivates, encourage and energize the entire team in every situations that team faces.



Art – an form of Communication

Communication is an act of conveying meaningful message by using different mediums like symbols, signs, words and lots more. Communication is mainly visual or non-visual. Among all medium, painting is one of the strongest medium for communication. An artist can reflect ideas on a pale canvas by the stroke of a brush. Painting is not only a practice of applying colour but reflects a person’s ideas, thoughts, even a society’s dark and bright sides. If we look back to our history we will find that painting was one of the main medium to communicate like cave arts.

Painting is a simple form of communication yet says a lot. Through a painting one can get an idea of political viewpoints, actually communication through paintings can be achieved in many ways that don’t rely on words. A painting always reflects a time period like “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci, “Blood Compact” by Juan Luna, “The Jewish Bride” by Rembrandt Van Rijn, and “Expressionism” by Edvard Munch which showcases the timing or period of their paintings.

Last week, I visited Solo Art Exhibition by Charita Dasappa in Bengaluru at Chitra Kala Parishad. Charita Dasappa’s paintings were really intense and full of inner meanings. Some paintings were Shifting Sand, The Maze, Surreal Surprises, Fruitful germination, Moh, Blessings and Disguise, The Quest, The Journey, Balancing Act,all these paintings conveyed message to the viewers. But the painting that attracted me the most was ‘The Quest’. In this painting a mountaineer is heading towards his summit peak. The picture showed the struggle of a climber against snowy winds and not moving away from his destination.

Actually the painting catch my eyes because, in some extend I like mountains and mountaineering. Since I got the opportunity to meet some mountaineers and Everesters and interact with them. Through them I got to know their summit journey stories, the struggles that the faced on the way towards summit- all these came in my mind while seeing Charita Dasappa’s painting “The Quest”.

Even few months before I completed reading a book “Touching my Father’s Soul” by Jamling Norgay, son of Tenzing Norgay, where he said  ” I climbed Everest so that you don’t have to”, to his son. Climbing a mountain is not an easy task, a climber has to fight against nature each and every moment so that he can fulfill his dream of climbing a peak.

In a metaphorical way if we see the painting- “The Quest”, it shows a persons life where he has to face all hurdles to reach a top or his destination. The painting says that nothing comes easily. One has to be active for achieving something in life. “The Quest” is a life example painting of every human being living in this Earth.

This shows that painting or any form of art is a medium of communication. A painting which is only a visual and has no written words in it can say a lot things to the viewers which even written words can’t say.


#(HASHTAG) Campaign: Social movements through social media

Internet has touched and transformed every aspect of human life in present times, its significant effects on the realms of politics and governance is captured in this essay through some real world events like the social movements. Internet and social media have given new strength to social activism and in the process have laid the path for a new form of governance model – open, consultative and inclusive. India has witnessed social movements that have resulted in significant policy related decision making. In the recent times, such social movements have gained much of its momentum through internet and social media. In this essay, three social movements from India are compared and analysed through case study research in order to draw attention to the growing prevalence of a new form of open consultative policy making process that is both leading to a learning experience for the networked society and also creating newer responsibilities for citizens.

A key part of many successful activist movements is a precipitating event, said Northeastern assistant professor Sarah J. Jackson, a scholar of social movements. It’s an event that takes the energy of sustained activism and thrusts it into the public consciousness like a volcano finally erupting after years of built-up pressure.
Perhaps the most recent example is the public revelation of systematic, widespread sexual harassment and abuse by producer Harvey Weinstein—the reporting on which sparked a movement calling for the acknowledged agency and equality of women.
The #MeToo movement, which has exploded on Twitter and the red carpet, began more than 10 years ago. Activist Tarana Burke created the campaign in 2007 as a way to reach sexual assault survivors in underprivileged communities.

It’s nearly impossible to say what event could thrust an issue from the fringe into the mainstream consciousness. Furthermore, these events are often harmful to the people they’re perpetrated against. You don’t root for them to happen. Still, there are a handful of issues that have enough momentum—and that are deeply-enough steeped in mainstream conversation—that they’ll more than likely continue to develop in 2018.

There’s no denying the societal impact of recent social media movements. They’re tethered to and correspond with global news flows to an astonishing degree. Some really active social media movements are seen:

#BlackLivesMatter — This hashtag arose in response to the high-levels of fatal police shootings carried out against African Americans. The movement succeeded in driving a wedge between everyone who agreed with the verbiage of the hashtag against everyone who only reads literally.

#JeSuisCharlie — After Islamic terrorists shot and killed 12 satirists at the Charlie Hebdo offices in France this hashtag united people across the world in asking who’s Jesus Charlie?

#PrayForParis — Along with #JeSuisCharlie, #PrayforParis trended after the 7 Jan 2015 attacks against Charlie Hebdo staff, demonstrating to the world that a hashtag can create at least as much social change as actual prayer.

#IStandwithAhmed — After a young Muslim boy brought in the world’s most bombish-looking clock to school for show and tell and then got fingerprinted and mugshot by police, people across the world came together to defend students’ rights to bring in school projects that look like deadly weapons, no matter their religion. The success of this movement led to Ahmed and his family leaving the country to live in Qatar where everyone is free to bring in dioramas shaped liked pipe bombs to school without reprimand.

#RefugeesWelcome — The Syrian Civil War wreaked devastation upon that nation’s people, causing millions to flee into neighboring countries in search of asylum. Activists and citizens came together online, showing support for the millions of people who never noticed because they didn’t have internet anymore. While the movement didn’t affect any government’s decision-making, it did help people show their friend’s how many clicks they give about refugees in peril.

#MeToo — Without a doubt, the most impactful hashtag in recent years is #MeToo. Never before have so many women been united by butt pinches and uncomfortable romantic advances. This hashtag resulted in a huge surge of pornographic website subscriptions and sex doll sales as men around the world decided just not to risk it with living females.

To place social media campaigns at the center of their social protests, clinical psychologists around the world argue the shift from physical movements to social media movements is symptomatic of a culture in decline, one where narcissism, virtue signaling, and fetishized outrage have taken on more importance than the actual issues themselves.

Simple things can change the World and also a person

Each and every day, we’re inundated with stories about how the world is going to hell. War, poverty, pollution… all manner of atrocities are flung at us from all directions, and it’s enough to draw even the most lighthearted person into a pit of despair.
Fortunately, a great way to counteract all that ugly is to be the change we want to see. None of us can change the entire world all by ourselves, but by making small amendments in our own lives and encouraging others to do the same, a snowball effect occurs that can affect the entire planet in time. Here are a few simple ways that you (yes, even you) can help bring about positive change in the world:

Be Kind

This one seems like a no-brainer, but it’s startling to see just how often we lapse when it comes to accepting and celebrating others as they are. Whenever you have the chance to do so, be kind. And if you have the chance to be really kind, do that too. Did you have a great experience with a customer service rep at a store? Thank them sincerely, and then contact their manager and tell them what a great job their employee is doing

Love Unconditionally

This is another one that people tend to have difficulty with.To love someone unconditionally doesn’t mean that you tolerate poor behavior or abuse from them, but rather you strive to love them for who they are, rather than for who you want them to be.You can dislike someone’s behavior, but still love them as a person

Spread Positivity

Just about all of us have experienced a situation where we were having a really bad day, but someone did or said something that totally turned the day around.It could have been something as simple as a stranger’s smile, or a coworker letting us know how much they appreciate us.Small acts of kindness go a long way to helping others, and in a world where so many people are so stressed and upset, these little kindnesses are absolutely vital.
Each and every one of us is passionate about something that has to do with the greater good, so consider what you feel strongest about, and take action to do your part.
Do you love animals? Consider fostering homeless kittens or volunteering at an animal sanctuary farm.

Pick Up Trash

Pick up trash at a local park. Just walk through the park with a trash bag and pick up any trash you find on the ground. You’ll be beautifying the area around you, not just for your enjoyment, but for the enjoyment of everyone. Invite people that live near you to get involved as well and make it an event.

Save water

Over 60% of the human body is water. There are people in the world we live in that die because of lack of clean water. The least you can do is turn the water off when you’re brushing your teeth, don’t you think?

And here are some more ideas: take a shower with your partner; enjoy bubble baths more often; get a shower that sprays mist. Whatever you can do to conserve water  makes huge difference.

You may wonder why is that so important, considering the fact that 71% of Earth is covered in water. Well, hold your horses. All but 3% of that is salty water that we can’t currently use—although technologies for turning salty water into fresh water are constantly being developed and improved, so that they’re cheap enough to use worldwide.

Say no to plastic bags—and plastic in general

Did you know that France forbade plastic kitchen utensils all together? Some states in the US are on that too. Plastic is one of the substances that is killing our planet. In the manufacturing process of plastic goods corporations pollute the environment in unthinkable ways. In addition to that, plastic is not biodegradable. Well, it is, if you’re willing to wait for your plastic bottle to decompose in 450 years.

Unfortunately, plastic is all around us—bags, bottles, all sorts of packaging, single-use products. And even though companies will produce and use plastic perhaps for a very long time still, if we use less plastic products, they’ll make less. So every plastic bag or bottle you can spare is a step forward.


BCG Matrix and Cadbury Marketing Strategy

Matrix is developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group in the early 1970’s. According to this technique, business or products are classified as low or high performance depending upon their market growth rate and relative market share. To apply the BCG Matrix you can think of it as showing a portfolio of products or services, so it trends to be more relevant to large businesses with multiple services and markets. However, markets in smaller businesses can use similar portfolio thinking to their products or services to boast leads and sales. To understand the Boston Matrix you need to understand how market share and market growth interrelated. Market share is the percentage of the total market that is being serviced by your company measured either in the revenue terms or unit volume terms. The Matrix is divided into 4 quadrants based on an analysis of market growth and relative market share, as shown in the diagram below:

Dogs: These are products with low growth or market share.

Question Marks: Products in high growth markets with low market share.

Stars: Products in high growth markets with high market share.

Cash cow: Products in low growth markets with high market share.


Image result for bcg matrix of chocolate industry

Image result for bcg matrix of chocolate industry



Cash Cows
There are some products that tend to offer a great deal of financial strength to the company which are regarded as cash cows. These items have been high performing products in the past and have gained a massive market share over the years. The BCG Matrix further indicates that the cash cows have limited scope for further development of the market share as the industry segment has attained significant level of maturity. The cash cows are beneficial for an organization as they provide the firm with a continuous stream of sales and revenue. The dairy milk segment has been a cash cow for the company in the past decades as the consumers had a high demand for chocolate. In the recent times, this situation has shifted and dairy based confectionary items have lost their place as a cash cow. In the contemporary confectionary industry, Cadbury has experienced stable financial growth through Bournville brand which has created a better sales outlook for the company.


The products that are a part of the star category can be differentiated from the cash cows on the basis of the growth potential of the industry. Even though they have significant market share, the industry is still growing which shows the chances of further increase in sales and revenues from the star product. Consequently, the target of a higher market share can be obtained by focusing on continued production of these items, which is supported by the high demand from consumers. The star products can develop to such an extent that they become cash cows for an organization by gaining higher market share and the eventual maturation of the industry. Cadbury had been able to generate a great deal of financial income from its chocolate unit. Some of its high demand items are dairy milk brand. Therefore, it can be regarded as a star for the company. However, in recent years the sales of dairy based chocolate has declined while the non-dairy based confectionary demand has significantly increased (Wallop, 2016). The company will need to rethink its production and marketing strategy in order to make it cash cow. The higher production and increased supply of cocoa is a favorable change in the industry which could help the company to increase the production of its chocolate based confectionary items.


Question Mark
Apart from the high revenue generating products, there are some items that are not being a source of financial stability for a firm. It is uncertain whether these items would play a part in financial growth of the organization or not. Therefore, they are termed as question marks in the BCG Matrix. In case if these products have an improved financial performance, they can be classified as stars. Since the industry has high growth opportunity, these items have the chance of gaining financial improvement with the passage of time. On the other hand, the low financial output exposes these items to the risk of becoming a dog. Cadbury Crème Eggs have not been able to produce favorable result for the company in the recent time. The sales volume of this product has declined, pushing the company towards financial trouble. As observed by Lewis (2016), the manufacturing of Crème eggs was altered due to a change in the recipe, which has not been received well by the target market. The exclusion of dairy milk from the recipe has created a negative response among the consumers who have viewed this decision as a violation of these taste and preference. As a result, the projected demand of the eggs during the Easter has not been achieved, making it a question mark for Cadbury Company. Another question mark for Cadbury is the biscuits segment, in which its Oreo cookies have not been able to create a strong demand in the target market. As a result, the revenue from biscuits has not been a strong point for Cadbury and its income is primarily generated through the confectionary based items. Investing resources in this product can help the company to gain higher market share and revenue as the industry is growing and has the potential to further grow.


The last category in BCG Matrix is dogs, which includes the products that are consuming organizational resources but are not able to produce the return on the investment. The low ROI makes these products a probable target for elimination from the product portfolio. One of the reasons why these products are not performing well is that the industry is indicating a slow pace of development, thus reducing the chances of securing a higher market share. One of the products manufactured by Cadbury Company is bubble gum. The product has been developed with the intention of expanding the portfolio of Cadbury, entering into other items besides chocolate based products. Trident gum managed by Cadbury has not been able to gain significant financial gains, making it a dog for the company. According to Manning (2009), the sales of gum has dropped up to 2% which shows changing consumption of bubble gum in the target market. Another area where Cadbury needs to bring improvement is the market share of its cold beverages, which have been underperforming products in terms of sales and revenue.